How encoders work in Robotics

Encoders are a critical component of modern robotics, playing an integral role in providing valuable information regarding the position, speed, and direction of motor-driven mechanical systems. In the realm of robotics, an encoder’s primary function is to convert motion into an electrical signal, which the robot’s control system then interprets and uses to make necessary adjustments to the robot’s motion. This article provides a detailed and comprehensive understanding of how encoders function in robotics.

Table of Contents

  1. What are Encoders
  2. Types of Encoders
  3. How Encoders Work
  4. Encoders in Robotics
  5. Challenges and Limitations of Encoders in Robotics
  6. Conclusion

What are Encoders

Encoders are electro-mechanical devices that convert the angular position or motion of a shaft or axle to an analog or digital code. The code, most often binary, represents the positional data for control systems. By counting the output pulses of the encoder, the system can understand the position, speed, and direction of the motor shaft or the robot itself.

Types of Encoders

There are two main types of encoders used in robotics: incremental and absolute encoders.

Incremental Encoders

Incremental encoders provide relative position data, meaning the output is indicative of the change in position from the last measurement. These encoders produce a series of pulses proportionate to the magnitude of displacement. However, incremental encoders do not store positional data, and therefore the system loses positional awareness if power is lost.

Absolute Encoders

Absolute encoders, in contrast, provide unique positional values at each position throughout the encoder’s full range. This type of encoder is capable of maintaining positional awareness even if the system loses power. When power is restored, the system can retrieve the position without requiring a reference cycle.

How Encoders Work

Incremental Encoders

Incremental encoders consist of a rotating disk, a source of light, and a photodetector. The disk, usually made of glass or metal, is patterned with transparent and opaque sections. As the disk rotates with the motion of the motor shaft, the alternating transparent and opaque sections pass between the light source and the photodetector.

This action produces a series of pulses, which the system can count to determine relative position, speed, and direction. By observing the order in which the pulses appear, the system can understand the direction of rotation. The number of pulses equates to the amount of rotation.

Absolute Encoders

Absolute encoders are more complex. These encoders typically use a series of concentric disks, each with its own pattern of transparent and opaque sections. Each disk corresponds to a different bit in the binary output code.

The number of unique positions that an absolute encoder can represent is determined by the number of disks, with 2^n unique positions for n disks. Therefore, the system can identify the exact position of the motor shaft based on the unique binary output code.

Encoders in Robotics

In robotics, encoders are indispensable. They provide crucial feedback that helps control robotic movement accurately and consistently. This feedback is typically used in one of two ways:

Closed-loop Systems

In closed-loop control systems, feedback from the encoders is used to adjust the motor’s output continually. The control system compares the encoder’s output (actual position) with the desired position. If there’s a discrepancy, the controller adjusts the motor output to minimize the difference.


In mobile robotics, encoders are often used for odometry, a method of estimating the robot’s change in position over time. By monitoring the rotation of the robot’s wheels, encoders can help calculate the distance the robot has traveled and its current heading. This information is vital for navigation, especially in autonomous robots.

Challenges and Limitations of Encoders in Robotics

While encoders are instrumental in robotics, they’re not without their limitations. Incremental encoders lose positional data if the system loses

power, necessitating a homing sequence at startup. On the other hand, absolute encoders are typically more expensive and complex.

Furthermore, encoders may provide inaccurate data due to mechanical slippage, where the robot’s wheels spin without causing motion, or due to errors in the encoder’s reading. These inaccuracies can accumulate over time, leading to significant errors known as ‘drift’. As such, advanced robotic systems often use additional sensors and techniques, such as inertial measurement units or vision-based systems, to correct encoder data and reduce drift.


Encoders play an essential role in robotic systems, providing the necessary feedback for accurate motion control. By understanding their positional information, speed, and direction, robotic systems can perform precise movements that enable a broad spectrum of applications, from manufacturing and medicine to exploration and entertainment. Despite their limitations, the capabilities that encoders afford robotics are indispensable in our pursuit of ever-advancing automation technology.

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